Joey -- yesterday taking down 69. Hot dogs and -- Nathan's Famous. Hot dog eating contest. 69 hot dogs in ten minutes. Competitive eating certainly a sport we welcome in now Jorge -- He is the chairman of the a Major League eating. And that George certainly an oppressive beat from. Joey chestnut AK jaws yesterday. I have to tell you had at first off thank you grabbed me on Joey well it's in rare form and the heat. What is really a -- you know an issue out there it was cherry very hot the eaters were suffering hundred but he pushed on. And and sort adjusted the last the very last second cut that extra dollar to said the personal records so extremely dramatic. You know I didn't I didn't take into consideration George were talking about the merits of whether competitive eating in any Guinness is further discussion is with -- is. Sport I happen to believe that is certainly is and we'll get into that here in the second but. Yeah that's another element you gotta throw into it in -- what you're eating that kind of -- -- next. Then I got fashion he looked at plays -- all that that takes its all on on on your body we try to heal I'll -- all that and he. It absolutely dead and and you know when it's cooler. They can eat more just like a marathon or perhaps less dramatic than than a marathon where you know it's it would show up near eighty. Ninety record you just couldn't run it -- It you know the the issue here is it's it's. The -- throughout their dishonest being down I was onstage myself I was just sweltering so that definitely depressed I think the numbers that tiny bit. -- he pushed through that he got its seventh straight. He did Castro 400. I'm hot dog mark in his career -- So he's been setting records all over the spot all over the place but he had a great champion -- some great -- out very well -- extra and that's it's risky. That's starting at 51 so. I mean some really -- -- art and did very well yesterday. Georgia also the host the a fourth of July at Nathan's hot dog eating contest and how do you see the numbers grow over the years. It it it is shocking so when I first started in 1988. This contest was. 33 cameras bright there were many people watching and they were eight or ten behind the table I mean it was it was it it was a novelty -- nothing kind of prevent. And that -- and a number that won the first year -- certain part of some bumps. And -- -- and the thirteen and then. You went up from there. In cute you know 21 Erik Cole was 21 and 91. What is that was the number and then pushed to twenty war and then 25 correct what you're talking. Jeez ten years right -- -- really advanced people -- to remark it was when Kobayashi came. Ian 2001. Where he popped it up to sixty which no one including myself ever felt spot. And now here's Joey chestnut cracking 69 yesterday what's the deal -- Biaggi. Can -- Keith Olsen on up on that now why he. I gotta tell you you know there's a lot of misinformation out there and he keeps you in the work there and that he's been banned from competitive eating because it makes him sound like I picked I -- -- prison I don't know stink but he's never been banned from competitive eating -- We're part of a contract with our league which simply -- If you're going to be in our league and make our money and we're gonna pay you when it -- -- you can't then go to who's autistic compete -- -- just accept fundamental. That's the fundamental component of the contract where we're not going to pay you and rich famous -- you'd go there and compete against are sort of response or other -- whatever. -- not you know he was fine with that for however many years. And then he was beaten three times in a row by Gerald Lee and and then he did not want to be part of our league anymore I don't know that there -- related. But you sure what it's -- Declined to be part of -- league and such could not compete on the order and any other part and and then felt that he'd been cheated out of its right to both compete in our -- and compete against -- -- spots what's. Incomprehensible to me because this is a fundamental component every. -- eat out there but that was that that's the root of it and and he has an argument you want to be free you don't want any restrictions and I respect that and it's free. Now I mean he has no restrictions. But nets as a result champion -- George did you ever think that. Competitive eating would become as wildly popular I mean I just looked up. I think it was two million viewers checked out the Joey -- victory a year ago compared to. 3151000. Viewers. From soccer I mean did you ever win at small kid did you ever say Allen beat the chairman of a and I mean I don't -- it cannot be and it's -- that would not be a Smart Aleck here mean you know we look at -- you know when your child yeah I'm going to be the chairman of of the you know competitive eating the league. We are so funny about that and put some people Jews say. I want to be in sports I wanna be in this industry I wanna do something that's comparable to what this person did over here. None of that. None of that with me I was not in I mean I'm up there were distraught I'm I'm I'm writing introductions straight dramatic you're working Woody -- -- -- none of that. So it all vault them into a ball out of it was just like what would make what would be funny what would be interest. You know it is cool and it is all that it is all that. That's working from there were no prisoners play at there was no plan at all so it has been crazy to watch what's happened. But there was absolutely no master plan. George -- the chairman of the Major League eating and also host the fourth of July hot dog eating contest. And Nathan's Famous hot dog eating contest and George talked about these competitive eaters in what they mean it maybe people think them. It did at the outlook that Joey chestnut RRA Kobe got sure these colors these are competitive -- I mean these are really skinny. Men and women day ever I would think that the bigger larger. Human beings would have been the most success but. -- the the challenges of training for this kind of event. -- you know beat this thing about -- component they're really going to this are some people by the way are inherently more able to eat more then then you're not sick and NIC don't count them out on the road something -- big -- big -- eight. Nothing and they just realize it's not observed -- that's -- disposition of physical disposition to that the -- into but then beyond that. To really wanna win. And to make it happen. And then they study they study which they are most efficient way to eat something which should not do what should write your. And some of these guys Ukraine I've heard that have never -- but it but but but I believe that this is -- -- that they -- active -- -- that -- -- and I think -- you -- You know they would -- a bunch and and and and sort of get that feeling for -- and start for example we disgorge their whole host of reasons. Obviously primarily being chase speed so when we even do. 88. -- a little many contest at a at a local television affiliate and we have you know -- you know when the leaders going get anchors we have an emergency medical check their because. You know you know you never know could -- to Richard remembers years. But they do definitely. Studied as they do prepare. And arm but beyond any of that when I had some to be the determining factor in the victory. Is that same thing that would maker that that that. High school athlete as a football star like catch that ball sport or -- catch these you know that -- the runner that -- is chasing you -- -- it it is just that. You look at our board or not they're a team you know what makes a big competitive drive. I'm circuit again the competitive drive and it is no doubt. No -- and and down you know there's some. And that's what you saw with Joey there's this passport Detroit here where he just pushed at the end I did not think you gonna be able to get rich. It get too down and collapsed twenty seconds or something whatever -- I just didn't think he could do it. Umps but you know on the road all the time and want to get him. Big huge guy at 66. You know 300 can't become any stunning torn part partner and tell everybody agree about nine but he also just didn't have that well. George Shea the chairman of the Major League eating league and also via the host of the famous. Nathan's Famous for the July a hot dog eating contest on Coney Island and George what do we what is the city of new -- gonna maybe get some more. Major League eating contests we we I think that because if those that are gonna are under -- My brother at least as you -- can you believe that I I am and widely traveled but I certainly trouble. Most -- unionized and have never been down to -- it's never been to Louisiana might rocker does the acme oyster. Continent. Every year and then we also produce and -- routes is market's down there we do cooperation that -- -- but I've never bent I think if you're. The -- different cities. Are are like this it's very hard to sort of explain or articulate the different cities. Are sort of more disposed to -- -- -- at these events and appreciate in Boston that there is it that you keep it really let that kind of step -- New York. You know I Chicago but then if you go to Cleveland. I'm I've gotten against Cleveland that look we learn a lot since then they kind of look at you like. What is going on -- you know yeah. Whereas -- it's important elect each that you can switch so there's a different vibe and different cities and and and and the whole you know there. Your whole state is really you know perfect for our -- -- match so I would like to see more myself. Georgia we we -- the heat down here I mean you know work were always trying to who I think for the most part I'm certainly included that number I've got to. You know learn to say no push away from the dinner table as we love the down here and I think you'd be fascinating to have more contest like this diarrhea and you know it. Then the conversation inevitably shift George. To whether these men and women are athletes in. In seven years ago I never thought I'd be talking about. A hot dog eating contest I and at. At times it is a little bit gross to watch when he when you consider. Out of these men and women do -- but. And when you look at it and he -- there's a certain -- -- certain respect you have former ago meant and they've got to train their -- there I guess they are have they do have some sort of skill to build habits. Are -- there's no doubt they definitely are athletes and maybe. Athletes who are not accepted as such and it may be a sport that does not fully accept that sport but it it's. And you know you could you -- pressure and competition but that's about call four or some other sports where. They're curling for instance we're at -- well that's not they're not running and catching the ball -- -- well well they are -- Barrett Eric different sports and in this whole -- right exports until we would be on you know we won't we would not be -- -- you played ball court. In our sport but but it certainly isn't -- your athletes. -- -- I have to say -- you know the acceptance. Of them. As heroes -- -- supporting athletes and competitors and and not -- that realm. Our celebrity each has really been remarkable too when we first started this right so. We started I think at a certain 88 electrical or 91 -- -- and started growing the league my brother and I created the lead. I'm officially in 97 and and going on when the Internet restored is for starting a lot of -- -- -- -- -- the -- in the network in order. I didn't even by competitive eating -- call. We did not even by. You know all of those kind of because -- actually had I'll. I left respect it's been good but no one -- -- there was not a pretty competitive eating waiting around to argue and so. You know there you know it wasn't part of our culture like it is now you have this conversation. Where people didn't even you don't know about it because they want to -- -- Cochran do which he -- and people are a -- -- can't keep them what a shame. Now people see them they keep the package is they keep their effort and submit a much greater understanding. Georgetown a hot dogs ET get down sentiments. I'm embarrassed to say that I know the answer and not good I I want you to contact -- a reporter. And I aged six and -- -- 89. And his view of the performance was horrible and mine was just in it would just be embarrassed. You know -- us media folks -- now week that he never challenger reporter right we. Let's nebulous -- it was -- we can be. That is true and that and that is the reputation right he didn't really do it quite well because there aren't. For someone who's not like really into it and not. You know not that you know big -- there's really remark open which you know what I found is that -- what struck me which was to complete surprise was jobs to -- So -- the latter portion of the contest our primary in which you as much record really feel my job that slowed me down but I'm not saying that had -- not had -- -- Jeter would have knocked out six to I'm not. George Shea the chairman of the competitive eating leading and -- -- league and host. The -- fourth of July Nathan's Famous fourth of July hot dog eating contest George thanks so much for the time we appreciate and look at. I like him allies and every year and I'm fascinated by -- so keep it up. Are great thank you so much trap me on and keep -- right now we're doing a big quarters chicken and championships in their Clearwater Florida and July 25 who will keep you post that really appreciate your. I'd George give him down here now we won't little more down you guys. -- Graham okay thank you I George said --
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